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Picture a classroom where students are aware of, recognise and have the language to talk about their emotions.

They know how to calm themselves, build trust with each other, and because of this, are able to make wise choices.

The Building Belonging programme will equip you with tools and strategies to teach your students - helping them build emotional literacy, trust, and decision-making skills.

Building Belonging provides teachers with practical activities to help set up or build collaborative classroom culture.

You'll learn how to strengthen students’ sense of belonging through embodied learning and class or group activities based on developing levels of trust and self-management. 

We are running a full day online training of our Building Belonging programme on Tuesday 6th August, 9-2:30pm. Spaces are limited, secure your spot here:

Who is this programme best for?*

*Building Belonging is the foundation course for the You Good? You Good! and Jade Speaks Up programmes. 

Participants of this course can expect:

Small group activities and facilitated discussion;

Opportunities to reflect on the diverse needs of your students;

Familiarisation with a comprehensive teacher manual filled with practical activities;

A chance to practise techniques that decrease stress and anxiety and shift students to a calmer, more settled frame of mind in times of distress.

We will cover:

Understanding Emotions

Learn about the interplay of brain and body in reacting to external influences and how to recognise and manage these emotions.

Emotional Literacy

Educate students about recognising and expressing their emotions effectively, leading to improved interpersonal relationships and self-awareness.

Enhancing Interpersonal Relationships

Develop understanding, skills, and attitudes that enhance interactions and relationships with other people.

Building Trust

Facilitate lessons on the importance of trust, enabling students to form stronger bonds with their peers and others.


What you'll teach your students:

Module 1

Hinengarō me Whakahoahoa / Feelings and Friendship

  • Developing class agreements.

  • Interactive activities to develop emotional vocabulary and understand how to 'read' my own emotions and others' behaviours.

  • Understanding emotions in everyday contexts.

Module 2

Te Tika me Te Pono / Trust

  • Defining Trust.

  • Understanding the qualities of Trust by participating in activities exploring scenarios and actions linked to trust.

  • Cross-curricular activities to define Trust through PE, Drama, Oral and Written Literacy.

Module 3

He Hā he Whakaaro he Mahi / Breathe and Self-Calming

  • Calming strategies for times when you feel scared or anxious.

  • The importance of looking after wairua for wellbeing.

  • The need to breathe and calm yourself so that you can think clearly and make choices to keep yourself and others safe.

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